AVM Analysis

Valnow’s unique AVM process calculates a valuation within 15 minutes from start to finish. The tool is an intuitive and user friendly cloud application.

Valnow Valuation

Valnow utilizes multiple powerful artificial intelligence algorithms.

Data is collected, cleaned, enriched, and used to train our models.

The user enters the subject property address, relevant physical and financial characteristics.

The results are then analyzed and validated prior to presentation to our users.

Property Identification

Property location is verified by Valnow to have an adequate amount of data in the local market to generate a credible result.

Property Details

Data provided by user.

Market Trend Analysis

Three years of analysis of the average sale price per square foot for the subject property type in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) and the state. sdss

NOI Per Square Foot Analysis

Three years of analysis of the average net operating income per square foot for the subject property type in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) and the state.

Cap Rate Analysis

The capitalization rate analysis for the property type in the metropolitan statistical area (MSA) of the subject property for two years prior, one year prior, and the most recent year. The low, high, median, and average capitalization rates for each year are presented.

Comparable Sales

Three comparable sales that represent the most similar transactions in the market. For each comparable sale the report presents the :

  1. Address
  2. Property type/sub property type
  3. Sale price
  4. Sale price per square foot
  5. Net rentable area/number of units
  6. Year of construction
  7. Site size

Confidence Score = Satisfaction Protection

The confidence score is calculated based on industry best practices. The confidence score is derived from the standard deviation of all features associated with the analysis, weighted according to their importance in the artificial intelligence model. The confidence score is presented as a percent ranging from 65% to 100% confidence. Users are provided a confidence score prior to generating a Valnow Valuation Report.

Value Estimate

The single best point estimate of value and a relevant range of value are presented in absolute dollars and values per square foot.

Markets Analyzed

Once the user provides the subject property address and the property type, Valnow will inform the user if there is sufficient data in the market to provide a credible analysis. Analyses are available for virtually all of the top 100 real estate markets in the United States.

PropertyTypes Analyzed

Valnow analyses four property types :

  1. Multifamily
  2. Industrial
  3. Office
  4. Retail